Welcome to The Little Maths Room



We believe every learner has the potential to make progress, become more confident and enjoy maths given the right support and encouragement.


We provide informal diagnostic maths assessments and maths tuition for learners with Dyscalculia, maths difficulties, additional needs (e.g. those with dyslexia, dyspraxia or on the autistic spectrum), and those who just need a little extra support in a 1:1 environment to boost their confidence and achieve their potential. We also offer lessons for adults.


Our informal diagnostic assessment ensures we know exactly what the learner currently knows and understands and the methods they are using. We then work to build understanding and knowledge, using effective consistent methods, within a personalised, structured and multi-sensory programme tailored to each individual and their learning style. We always aim to make maths fun!



1:1 Maths Tuition
1:1 Maths Tuition